To identify or select skilled engineering services companies, the customer retains control over the procedures used and the content of the documents submitted.
However, the customer can refer to the OPQIBI qualifications, which provide a decision-making aid and a real instrument of confidence.
OPQIBI qualifications confirm that a company has the ability to carry out services in those fields of engineering in which it is qualified, and has already carried out such services to the satisfaction of the customers.
The criteria applied for the granting of the qualifications are the same as those adopted for the application procedures :
An OPQIBI qualification is granted to an engineering services company:
A public or private sector customer can :
Download information issued by the qualification authorities on the details of how to use qualification certificates in public contracts. |
24 Décembre 2024
L’OPQIBI sera une nouvelle fois partenaire d’ENERJ-MEETING, journée de l’efficacité énergétique et environnementale du bâtiment qui aura lieu le 11 février 2025 à Paris
13 Juin 2024
Patrick BERGER, 55 ans, Ingénieur territorial, actuellement Directeur du Pôle Biodiversité Paysages Agroécologi
19 Mars 2024
Depuis le 1er juillet 2023, le diagnostic PEMD, anciennement diagnostic déchets, est obligatoire lors d'une opération de démolition ou d'une rénovation significative de bâtiment
104, rue Réaumur - 75002 Paris
Tél. : 01 55 34 96 30