Validity, follow-up and renewal

A qualification isn’t granted for all time.

A qualification is granted for a period of 4 years and is subject to 3 annual checks.

A trial qualification is granted for a period of one year and may be renewed not more than twice.


Annual follow-up procedure

A follow-up is conducted every year, based on an inspection procedure, to confirm that qualified companies still meet the "identification" and "resources" qualification criteria.

On this occasion, a qualified structure can apply for new qualifications or for the conversion of trial qualifications to full qualifications.

Following the annual inspection :

  • a contractor may be fully or partially disqualified by the OPQIBI, if the qualification criteria are no longer met.
  • an updated certificate is issued covering a period of one year.

Renewal procedure 

When the qualification expiry date is reached (every 4 years), a qualified structure is invited to submit a renewal application to the OPQIBI. The renewal procedure is

then conducted in the same way as the initial qualification procedure, except for the "reference" part, where only one certified customer reference is required to

substantiate each qualification being renewed (instead of 3 initially).

When renewing, a qualified structure :

  • an also apply for new qualifications.
  • may be fully or partially disqualified by the OPQIBI, if the qualification criteria are no longer met.

Derniéres Actualités

L’OPQIBI au salon BATIMAT 2024

03 Juillet 2024

L’OPQIBI sera présent au salon BATIMAT du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2024 à Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.

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Patrick BERGER élu Président de l’OPQIBI

13 Juin 2024

Patrick BERGER, 55 ans, Ingénieur territorial, actuellement Directeur du Pôle Biodiversité Paysages Agroécologi

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L’OPQIBI partenaire d’ENERJ-MEETING LYON le 17 septembre 2024

03 Juin 2024

L’OPQIBI sera partenaire d’ENERJ-MEETING, journée de l’efficacité énergétique et environnementale du bâtiment qui aura lieu le 17 septembre 2024 à Lyon

En savoir plus

104, rue Réaumur - 75002 Paris

Tél. : 01 55 34 96 30