Certificats issued

The OPQIBI issues 2 types of certificate :

Qualification certificate

An OPQIBI qualification is granted for 4 years (subject to 3 annual checks) to an engineering structure that :

  • meets the legal, administrative and financial requirements,
  • possesses the appropriate human and material resources and, where applicable, methods resources,
  • and that has sufficient references (at least 3 for each qualification application).

Thus, a qualification certificate certifies that a structure has the skills to carry out and has already carried out the work for which it is qualified.


Trial qualification certificate

A trial qualification is granted for one year (renewable not more than twice) to an engineering structure that :

  • meets the legal and administrative requirements,
  • possesses the appropriate human and material resources and, where applicable, methods resources,
  • but that does not have sufficient references.

Thus, a trial qualification certificate certifies that a structure has the skills to carry out the work for which it is qualified, but has not yet completed sufficient work.


Trial qualification certificates are notably issued to :

  • recently formed structures or older structures wishing to diversify their activities,
  • structures wishing to complete new missions, for example as a result of new regulations,
  • structures working in sectors that are currently expanding.


Derniéres Actualités

L’OPQIBI au salon BATIMAT 2024

03 Juillet 2024

L’OPQIBI sera présent au salon BATIMAT du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2024 à Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.

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Patrick BERGER élu Président de l’OPQIBI

13 Juin 2024

Patrick BERGER, 55 ans, Ingénieur territorial, actuellement Directeur du Pôle Biodiversité Paysages Agroécologi

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L’OPQIBI partenaire d’ENERJ-MEETING LYON le 17 septembre 2024

03 Juin 2024

L’OPQIBI sera partenaire d’ENERJ-MEETING, journée de l’efficacité énergétique et environnementale du bâtiment qui aura lieu le 17 septembre 2024 à Lyon

En savoir plus

104, rue Réaumur - 75002 Paris

Tél. : 01 55 34 96 30